HansRygXit Day 1

WOOHOO!  Our long awaited day has arrived!

Us, our van, and Brutus, the neighbor's dog that was sad to see us go!

Monday, 29 June, 2020 went by like a blur.  Starting at 6:30 am, and ending at 1:30 am on Tuesday, we got the van fixed, squared away the house, re-signed the sale paperwork, got notified of the successful funds transfer, traded keys and good wishes with the buyers, more goodbyes, the cat runs away just as we are ready to leave (thanks, Lance), then returns 3 hours later, and we are finally headed to Tok with Anchorage in the rear view mirror of our Roadtrek, fully illuminated and loaded to the gills.  The great adventure has begun!

   Mile 0.0... 400 to go!  Winona or Bust!

The drive to Tok, about 320 miles was not all that smooth.  Plenty of "frost heaves"; those pesky large lumps in the road caused by the extreme cold temperatures and heavy road use.  The road had little traffic and we were still able to make decent time.  We arrived in Tok at abot 1:30 AM and "Boondocked" behind the Chevron station.  We are excited and can't wait to see what the day brings!

Wildlife count:  1 red fox, 5 moose.  


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