HansRygXit Day 3

Happy Canada Day! 

Firetruck parade in Watson Lake, Yukon Territory.  Right in front of the "signpost forest"

We woke up in a remote rest stop near Swift River, not sure if we were in the Yukon or British Columbia.  The road dipped into BC before coming back into the Yukon approaching Watson Lake.  We stopped for gas at a small, friendly (and open!) gas station at the junction of the Alaska Highway and Canada route 37. The proprietor was very friendly and eager to converse... with anyone.  I don't think he gets a lot of social interaction especially now during the COVID restrictions.  In case you're wondering, regular gas was $1.29 (Canadian) per litre which translates to $4.01 per gallon (I think).  About average.  Prices range from $1.14 CAD per litre to $1.59 CAD per litre (at Muncho Lake).

We hit Watson lake in time for the local fire department's Canada Day Parade!  4 or 5 firetrucks adorned with Canadian and Yukon Territory flags passed by honking horns, smiling and waving to us gawkers.  We had stopped to see the famous Watson Lake "Signpost Forest".  Over an acre of posts covered, sometimes 10 feet tall, by street signs, license plates, plaques and city signs placed by travelers.  Legend has it that Barb & Becky Sawyer nailed a Spam can to a post here in 1990 on a trip up to Alaska but we couldn't find it.

     Where's the Spam?
"Sign, Sign, everywhere a Sign!"
After our brief stop in Watson Lake, the largest town since Whitehorse, we ventured on and soon entered British Columbia.  The scenery was still breathtaking.  The Northern Rockies are truly a sight to behold and the mountain lakes were gorgeous.  Lots of wildlife now.  The lack of traffic on the ALCAN has brought wildlife count on the roads more than usual.  At one point, a herd of about 100 bison decided to occupy the road.  No worries... with their size, they clearly have the right-of-way.  We saw lots of black bears, mostly cubs, a stone sheep and a few moose.

   A hundred or so bison hanging out on the ALCAN
 A fuzzy bear picture.  Didn't want to slow down too much for fear it would run out on the road.

Soon after the bison encounter, we came up on Muncho Lake.  Our friends in Alaska who have driven the ALCAN often recommended this is a must-see.  We would not be disappointed.  Although not as big as Kluane or Teslin lakes, it was a magnificent body of water nestled in the Northern Rockies, and is an other-wordly color of green.  We caught it later in the day and wished it were sunny, but it was beautiful nonetheless.


After the stunning views of Muncho Lake, we started to ease out of the Northern Rockies and into Fort Nelson, BC.  By this time, the brakes on the Roadtrek were starting to grind loudly.  Pulling that trailer over the mountains did a number on the front brakes.  By the time we hit Fort Nelson, the van was barely driveable.  We checked into the Super 8 hotel (dog friendly!) and thanks to a local at the gas station, located a garage to hopefully fix it the following day.  We are now 1344 miles into the trip.  Just over 1/3 of the way!  Our fate is now in the hands of the repair shop in Fort Nelson...


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