HansRygXit Day 4

Day 4 finds us safely ensconced in the Super 8 Hotel in Fort Nelson (woo hoo..)  First thing in the morning, we unhooked the trailer and dropped off the Roadtrek at the garage.  It was now time to sit and wait on the verdict...

A few hours later, the garage called and said the front brakes had worn to metal-on-metal.  Ouch.  It would need at the least brake pads and new rotors and possibly a caliper on the right side, where the loudest noise was coming from.  They did not have the parts in town and would order them to arrive tomorrow.  We settled in for a second night at the hotel and actually happy to have the downtime off the road.  The van is comfortable, but a little tight with the two of us, Rosie, Tilly and all our stuff.

Rosie and Tilly have been real troopers on the road.  Rosie actually seems to like it and Tilly enjoys sitting on the passenger's lap and looking at all the trees, birds and wildlife.

We decided to make ourselves at home with a pizza from across the parking lot and some good 'ol Canadian beer...

We hope tomorrow will bring good news about the van and that we can get back on the road to Winona.  In the meantime, we'll just be chillin' in Fort Nelson!


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