HansRygXit Day 7

What a day!  Full of promise and a long but happy road ahead.  We got up early in Fort Nelson, BC and headed on down the road with visions of Edmonton (potentially) dancing in our heads.  The road is getting much better and the landscape is smoothing out considerably.  Hello to rolling, green hills and goodbye (for now) to the Northern Rockies.

Fresh blacktop!  Easy driving...

Rosie and Tilly are hanging in there.  They really seemed comfortable with the hotel life but now relegated to the confines of the Roadtrek.  After about 240 miles, we stopped in Fort St John to gas up and hit the first Burger King we've seen since Anchorage.  After chowing down (COVID-friendly style in the parking lot), we sped on down the road.  

Rolling hills with trees as far the eye can see.  Northern Rockies fading in the distance.

We only got about 10 miles out of Fort St John when we smelled a strong, burning odor from the front brakes.  Yes, those front brakes.  The ones we just replaced in Fort Nelson the previous day.  We called that garage that "fixed" it the first time and they recommended a shop back in Fort St John.  Probably the calipers.  So, we turned around and found, once again, a pet-friendly Super 8 near the garage and close to shopping (liquor store).  

Our Super 8 hotel... The "Versailles of Fort St John". Yes, That's Barb and Rosebud under the sign.

Since it was Sunday, there was (as the Grateful Dead song goes) "nothin' left to do but smile, smile, smile!"  We settled in to our new digs at the Super 8 and treated ourselves to some Gin & Tonics and a bag or 2 of Old Dutch Salt & Vinegar potato chips.  Easy livin'...

Nothing says "class" like imbibing at a picnic table behind a Super 8 hotel

No worries!  If Barb and I have one quality that brought us through the last year (and first week of this journey), it's resilience. We like SO got this!  So off to bed early with grand hopes the mechanics at the garage in Fort St John are endowed with great knowledge and automotive wisdom.


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