HansRygXit Day 8 (Redux)

Barb: I guess I forgot to mention one of my OTHER favorite movies, "Groundhog Day" - where Bill Murray awakes every morning only to experience a complete rerun of the day before. Such is our life in British Columbia, it seems. 

We finally picked up the van at 6:30 PM on Monday, new brakes all around, new water pump, and the shiny new promise of bounding back down the road toward Edmonton. We got 10 miles down the road to Taylor, BC (yet again), and yet again, the brakes started smoking. Yikes! What now?! 

We immediately called our trusty mechanic at S&J motors in Ft. St. John (he really IS a good mechanic) and he told us to come right on back to the shop. After a couple of hours of dinking around in the braking system, we walked a mile back to the Super 8 for another night of hotel "luxury"; Rosie, Tilly, and a couple of overnight bags in hand (we'd be making a second trek soon, when we realized we forgot to take the litter box). Something in the universe is strangely ahooey, or at least in our braking system. But at least it's not January, we figure. It's almost as if the universe is conspiring to keep us on vacation awhile longer. Not exactly to plan, but things could always be worse...

Laika the Russian Cosmodognaut 
Now we know that her wistful look was saying "Boy, what I'd give for a Bloedow's Doughnut right about now!"


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